When you order shipping labels from BuyRightLabels.com, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! From the quality you’ll find in each and every label to the quick turnaround of your order to the very low prices, once you order we’re certain you’ll come back each and every time you need more shipping labels. All of our products are Made in the USA.
The BRL573 label is a standard rectangle label with a paper-based material that is easy to both print and/or write on. Its size allows it to be used for a variety of different projects outside of labeling packages for shipment. Use this label for any of your products, boxes, or DIY projects!
How will you order ship?
Your labels order will ship the same day or the next business day. FREE shipping via priority mail anywhere in the 50 United States. All orders are shrink-wrapped with chipboard base for protection.
BRL573 Shipping Labels
4" X 3" Shipping Labels
BRL573 Dimensions and Spacing
Labels Size:
4" X 3"
Sheet size:
8.5" x 11"
Top Margin:
Bottom Margin:
Left Margin:
Right Margin:
Vertical Spacing:
Horizontal Spacing:
4" x 3" shipping labels, 6 per sheet
Self adhesive, peel and stick labels
Made in the USA
All products ship for free!
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
Laser and Inkjet Printable
BRL573 Shipping Labels

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BuyRightLabels.com is no way affiliated with these companies. BuyRightLabels.com sells comparable labels to these brands.
All product names, product numbers, logos, and trademarks are registered to the respective companies.